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We are the Fine Foods People

Introspezione e sviluppo con uno sguardo al futuro

In Fine Foods siamo convinti che introspezione e autoconsapevolezza siano fondamentali per sapere cosa abbiamo da offrire, prima ancora di dedicarci alla crescita del nostro team. Ogni persona che entra in Fine Foods trova così meritocrazia e opportunità di crescita a ogni livello, oltre a un ambiente strutturato in cui sentirsi parte attiva e coinvolta.

Strategic objectives

"Fine Foods puts people's safety first and promotes programmes that improve protection and prevention standards. We want the best talent. Therefore, we consider it a priority to build a peaceful and inclusive environment where people can express their potential, be valued and rewarded based on their commitment and talent. They are encouraged to contribute to Company success."

Safety at work
The Fine Foods Group recognises that the safety of its people must come first. For this reason, the Company is committed to programmes to improve protection and prevention standards continually.
Attracting and retaining talent
Fine Foods believes that its people are the key to business success as they provide a true competitive advantage to the organisation. The Group invests so much energy in human resource management and has developed a strategy that attracts and retains the best talent.

Professional development and performance
Investing in quality education and training is the basis for remaining competitive in the Group companies' sectors. Providing continuous, quality training improves people's lives. This approach is consistent with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG4: Quality Education), to which the Group strongly wants to contribute.

Health and well-being
Fine Foods is aware of its role in implementing measures that ensure health and safety at work for employees and maximise positive contributions to their wellbeing and work-life balance. Under the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 3 (Good Health and Well-being), the Company engages in activities to reduce the rate of chronic diseases related to smoking, alcohol, road accidents, sedentariness and nutrition.

Diversity and equal opportunity
Building a peaceful and inclusive environment where people can fulfil their potential and be valued is fundamental for Fine Foods.
Fine Foods implements policies related to the UN Sustainable Development Goal 5 (Gender equality). This is evidenced by the gender balance within the Board of Directors and management. We believe that fair and gender-equal choices in maternity and paternity leave and other rights related to parental leave are essential to ensure equal career opportunities and reduce the gender pay gap.

Relationship between Management and Employees
Communicating and sharing the objectives achieved by the Group at all organisational levels is crucial to maintain high staff motivation and engagement, as it shows the importance of everyone's work in achieving business success.
  • 15,2 injury index (injuries/million hours worked)
  • 94% retention rate due to voluntary resignation
  • 15,168 total training hours provided
  • 42% women in management
Strategic projects
  • All group plants must possess an occupational health and safety management system certified under the ISO 45001 standard
  • Implementing campaigns to promote safety in group companies
  • Implementing at least one activity annually to promote healthy lifestyles, encourage prevention measures, increase people's wellbeing and work-life balance and raise people's awareness of diversity and inclusion issues to prepare the company for the future.
  • Promoting training courses to develop skills in diversity and inclusion and soft skills.


  • At least one campaign to promote safety at work.
  • Maintaining Lombardy Region WHO network accreditation: implementing at least two news good practices in two new thematic areas.
  • Implementing at least one diversity & inclusion good practice.
  • Keeping the injury below the average of the last three years.


  • All Group companies ISO 45001 certified
  • At least two completed "Talent Factory" projects
  • At least one management training project to spread the feedback culture
  • All staff trained on diversity & inclusion policies
  • Injury index < 9 [number of injuries/million hours worked]
  • 15,2
    Injury index (injuries/million hours worked)
  • 94%
    Retention rate due to voluntary resignation
  • 15.168
    Total training hours provided
  • 42%
    Women in management

We invest in the Growth of our People

When we select a candidate to introduce in a team we prioritize the growth potential. Our commitment with new and existing employees is to offer opportunities of professional growth, in an environment with no discriminations, ethical, cross-functional and with the highest consideration for human and social principles.

Valorization of Human Capital

We HIRE talents

Innovative and advanced selection process, consisting of tests on personality, on soft skills, on foreign language knowledge. Cooperation with Universities and High Schools for internship programs

WE TRAIN experts

Ad hoc training for every employee, based on competence gap analysis. Tutoring programs for operations. E-learning programs.

WE ENGAGE our team

By-annual CEO update presentations to all staff. By-weekly HR listening desk. Talent Factory for young people. Annual employees’ satisfaction survey. Psychologist and Nutritionist available to all employees.

WE VALUE people

Growth patterns available to all employees. High retention rate. Diversity of gender and nationality.
Careers at Fine Foods
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